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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kindness Pays It Forward

Dear Readers, 

The best feeling in the world is when you can do something for someone that you know will probably bring a smile to their face.  I also know how good it feels when someone spontaneously does something for me.  It feels good all the way around.

The article below by Alicia M. Forest, MBA is a great tie-in to a recent Press Release (click on Press Room to read) I wrote in celebration of "World Kindness Week."  Yes, there is such an occasion.  For the entire week of November 8-14 this year, thousands of people around the world will be performing random acts of kindness.  There are so many benefits to spreading goodwill.  Especially for businesses who want to show appreciation to their clients and employees.  Just think of how rewarding it can be to pay it forward.

Read Alicia's tips to see how these 5 easy and effective holiday marketing ideas might help your business. 

5 Easy and Effective Holiday Marketing Ideas for Your Business
by Alicia M Forest, MBA
6-Figure Business Breakthrough Mentor

One of my business principles is "Giver's Get," in the sense that you are giving from a place of having no expectation of getting anything in return.

What follows are 5 ways that you can give in your business, feel really good about it, and reap the rewards from the Universe.

1. Thank your clients and customers.

An obvious one to do around Thanksgiving is to show your gratitude to your current clients and customers for their business. But you might be surprised at how few business owners actually take the time to do this.

It could be something as simple as expressing your thanks in a short email. Or you could send a thank you card in the mail. Or you could take it a step further and do something I've done before - sending a postcard expressing my gratitude with a link to a special - and fr*e - gift to my VIP clients and customers.

Taking the time to say thank you goes a long way towards deepening that all-important relationship with your current clients and customers. If you do nothing else this holiday season, at least do this.

2. Give your ezine list a gift.

Your 'pot of gold' in your business in your email list of potential clients and customers. You should always be treating them well, but at least once a year, offer them a gift - no strings attached - just because...

Something I've given to my subscribers a few times that has been hugely successful was my 12 Days of Christmas series, where they received something of value that benefited them in building their business once a day for the 12 days leading up to Christmas. You don't have to offer 12 gifts, however. Just one will do very nicely as well.

For 3 more easy strategies and to add your own, visit my blog...


WANT TO REPRINT THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, BLOG OR WEBSITE? You're welcome to - just please include this complete blurb with it:

Alicia M Forest, MBA, 6-Figure Business Breakthrough Mentor, teaches entrepreneurs how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to breakthrough to 6 figures and beyond so you can live the life you ache for, visit http://aliciaforest.com

Thank you Alicia for sharing your business marketing expertise.

Baskets by Consuela

   "we think outside the basket"
Website: http://www.basketsbyconsuela.com
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